Monday 29 December 2008

Settling In

Hi I'm back. Just to let you know, I've settled into college very well. Making friends and meeting new people.
I took Psychology as my Major. My Professors are Anthony Centowsky and Amanda Seavey. Dad was right. They ARE supportive.

I finally placed names with faces in my dorm.

Gerard Haggerty

Rebecca Wilkie

Trista Young

Patrick Gilscarbo

Amber Collen

Renee Creelman

Lindsay Micelli

Aiden Patch.

Many of them are camera shy and hate getting their pictures taken. But Aiden's quite cute really. He's kind of the 'live-wire' in the dorm. Always hogging the video machine and dancing to the stereo. I'm surprised he gets any studying done.

As you've probably noticed, there's a sudden trend in purple hair. That's thanks to Trista my makeover friend. She sort of .. ahem... got the recipe slightly wrong in her Hair and Beauty night classes. Not that anybody minds. They think it's cool and are attempting a new trend.

I'm better off with my blonde hair thanks.

Aiden doesn't like me.
Especially after I tried to throw food at him one day, just for fun. Guess I'd better reel in my 'fun' side around him.

I did say sorry and stuff.

And I've tried to patch things up by hanging out and playing toss football, but there just isn't a 'spark' there between us. Besides, he's the type that holds grudges.

See, told you. He's always shying away from me and telling me to back off. Maybe I'm being a little too intense for him.

Besides, he can be a little outspoken too. Loves to argue about a lot of topics all the time. We, my other dorm buddies and myself, have all decided to 'blank' him out when he's on one of his tirades. Makes life so much easier for us... I can tell you.

Oh Mom and Dad called today to tell us about the babies. Actually, I think it's mainly to check up on me, but they tell me to pass the message on that they're all doing fine. A little frazzled and constantly exhausted, but they're all good.

Just waiting for Tristan and Violet to get here now. That won't be for another year or so - provided they can cope with the babies that is. I know Tristan loves his privacy .... a LOT. Oh and poor Chloe. How is she going to cope with four toddlers pulling at her from all directions?

We're all a good bunch here. We all eat together, study together, let our hair down together.

Oh, I know Dad prewarned me about the Cow Mascot. Berjes Pong.

Yup, he paid us a little visit, just as Lori Perry our dorm cook was taking a well earned break and immediately, Berjes tried to hit on me.
Politely I refused.

After all.... I DO have a sweetheart.


Truly I do. You'll never guess who it is though.....

WOw, love really DOES find you in the most oddest of places.
But for now, I'll say bye bye and catch up with you soon.
It's almost finals time, so I'd better cram in as much studying as possible.

Halfway through my Freshman year already? Wow time does fly by.

Ta ta for now

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These stories have been specifically created by myself, using the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games as their basis.

These are exclusive original stories.

I would appreciate it if they are not copied and posted elsewhere, plagiarism is frowned upon in this day and age.

Any similarities to other peoples' stories is purely coincidental and not intended maliciously.

I would also like to give a big thanks for all those hard working folks out there whose CC I have used in the screenshots.
You all know who you are, I thank you very much indeed, you deserve a pat on the back.

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