After all, she did invite me when she discovered that I was interested in cooking.
I just didn't realise how competitive these people are.
I met with Lisa, who diverged her cooking skills to me and I listened carefully, taking it all in (and gaining a friend at the same time).
Then, with trepidation, I decided to enter the contest.
With a Baked Alaska no less.
Whilst I was in the kitchen slaving over a hot oven, I hadn't realised how bad things were between the other competitors until AFTER the judging.
I saw the judge.
A very SERIOUS and stern looking man, and hoped that my Alaska was enough.
I was the first one there and proudly placed my dish on the table.
Along came Lisa with her Lobster Thermidor.
I could only feel with a sinking heart that this was going to be a tough contest.
Along came, what looked like a fast food chef, with her cheesecake, which looked really yummy.
Then, one of the professors, whose Berry Pie crust was golden and still steaming from the oven.
We waited nervously for the judge, as he tasted and savoured each dish.
Before pulling out his notebook and making some noted observations. Whilst through this time, we all squirmed in our boots and wrung our hands.
Then came the decision.
First prize went to....
Lisa, and her Lobster Thermidor.
I suspected she'd win, although it did deflate my ego a little bit. But she was happy enough.
I was so sure that I'd nailed it with my Baked Alaska, but it appears that the judge just doesn't have a 'sweet tooth'. Oh well, better luck next time.
But then IT happened.
The professor decided to start picking a fight with the fast food girl, accusing her of sabotage. Which upset the fast food girl no end.
I decided there and then to head out to class before the REAL fighting began.
Which, surprisingly enough, ended up in the ladies toilet... of all places.
Aww c'mon folks, it's just a contest... really....
And so endeth my adventures into the realms of cooking contests, bitchfests included.
Oh well.
On another note however, I did see something that really made me giggle.
A vampire racing like hell to get home before he fried in the sunlight!!!
Something tells me that he wasn't there for the 'home cooking'.