Tuesday 19 June 2012

Marina Learns a New Trick ....

Its plainly obvious from the off, that Marina is definitely Helen's pet.
And the proof is in her latest bit of training.

In between keeping an eye on things, Helen decided to teach Marina how to 'sit'.

Now as you all know, she's a little slow on hearing commands. Ambrose tried and she just tilted her head to one side and looked dumbly at him.

Helen, in the meantime, decided to take her training VERY seriously.
And Rina was immediately enthralled.

After a couple of hours of intensive 'siiiit!' from Helen, Marina finally got the hang of this command and promptly bounced her butt onto the floor.

A jubilant Helen  rewarded Rina with treats. Along with a "Well done Rina! Good girl!!!"

All in a good day's work, dontcha think?

Next update: Complications and Solutions

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These stories have been specifically created by myself, using the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games as their basis.

These are exclusive original stories.

I would appreciate it if they are not copied and posted elsewhere, plagiarism is frowned upon in this day and age.

Any similarities to other peoples' stories is purely coincidental and not intended maliciously.

I would also like to give a big thanks for all those hard working folks out there whose CC I have used in the screenshots.
You all know who you are, I thank you very much indeed, you deserve a pat on the back.

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