Tuesday 19 June 2012

Makeover Time!!!

Well, since I wasn't happy with the default looks that the game had chosen for each girl, (isn't anybody?) I decided to take them all into CAS for a little makeover.

So, whatcha think?

Firstly Helen.
Before ...

I thought she looked very severe and serious, and we all know she isn't like that at all.

After ....

Since she was probably concieved in Champs Le Sims (I could be totally wrong there - as I usually am), I thought that she'd suit a more 'chic' look, with just the merest of make up to soften that harshness in her face.

Before ...

I loved her mop of curly hair, and was distraught at the fact that she'd lost it during her transition.

After ... 

So I brought it back, since she looks seriously cute with it to begin with.

Before ...

I know she had lank hair beforehand, but I really didn't like it on her after her transition.

After ...

So why not put a hairband in and take it away from her face?

I didn't have time to give them the 'full' makeover, since the school bus was due any minute. But I will make sure they all have brand new clothes. Or at least Ginny will (hopefully) buy them all new threads.

Oh and whilst I remember....

Here are the new traits of all three girls.

Helen - Genius
Susan - Neat
Violet - Hot Headed

Next update - Marina Learns a New Trick

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These stories have been specifically created by myself, using the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games as their basis.

These are exclusive original stories.

I would appreciate it if they are not copied and posted elsewhere, plagiarism is frowned upon in this day and age.

Any similarities to other peoples' stories is purely coincidental and not intended maliciously.

I would also like to give a big thanks for all those hard working folks out there whose CC I have used in the screenshots.
You all know who you are, I thank you very much indeed, you deserve a pat on the back.

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