Tuesday 24 July 2012


It was Violet's birthday coming up. She'd looked forward to a big celebration, however, since her sister's birthday had taken up a lot of resources Violet had to make do with a small 'get-together'.

It was a Sunday morning, there was no school, no work etc... so bright and early, they gathered together to help Violet celebrate.

She blew out the candles of her cake and waited with barely concealed excitement.

With a few sparkles and a leap into the air, she was transformed.... into a really pretty young teen.

If she'd had blonde hair, she was the absolute spitting image of her mother Virginia!!!
Because of her 'erratic education' (according to the game) I couldn't choose a trait, so the game did.
And opted for Friendly!!!

That's nice.

Now, there are THREE teenage girls in the house. Now that's going to be interesting!!!!

Well, no sooner had the cake been served she begged her dad to take her for driving lessons.
Um, they didn't go too well.

She was all excited at the prospects of learning to drive, but Ambrose was a little reluctant.
Once inside the car, she'd impatiently honk the horn to let him know that she was ready and eager to get started.

Everything started out fine.

But halfway through, I discovered the two of them walking back home, after abandoning the car just up the bank. Apparently she'd worn out the clutch!!! So I guess driving lessons are out of the question for Violet. Or at least they're going to take that little bit longer!!!!

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These stories have been specifically created by myself, using the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games as their basis.

These are exclusive original stories.

I would appreciate it if they are not copied and posted elsewhere, plagiarism is frowned upon in this day and age.

Any similarities to other peoples' stories is purely coincidental and not intended maliciously.

I would also like to give a big thanks for all those hard working folks out there whose CC I have used in the screenshots.
You all know who you are, I thank you very much indeed, you deserve a pat on the back.

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