Saturday 23 June 2012

Everyone to School, Finally

Not the schedule/promised update, since there'd been a lot more activity prior to Brosie and Ginny's return. But, that's the haphazard lifestyle these Sims seem to be living. You never know what's going to happen next.

Monday Evening

After an exhausting day, when Rina FINALLY allows Violet to give her a brush, earning her a prestigious place in Rina's heart. (yep, all's forgiven.... for now).

For some really weird reason, Susan wants to check on the Baking Report....
... the kid cannot cook, unlike her twin. She notices that vanilla muffins are making a comeback and quickly takes note for future reference.

And Helen notices the bills are piling up, so she dips into her savings to pay for them and keep the Repo Man from the door....

.... they all go to bed.... VERY early!!!!

Tuesday Morning

Bright and early, Helen organises breakfast for everyone - cake slice .... again, but it appears that Violet's got a problem getting out of her bed.

Rags, determined to be as close as it can to Susan, decided to park it's butt right at the bottom of the ladder, preventing Violet from climbing down.

"Will you move that doll of yours or I swear, I'll fling it outside in the trash!"

Quick as a flash, Susan was awake and at the same time, Rags 'came alive' and moved out of the way.

"There now Rags, she won't do that to you, I promise I'll keep you safe."
"You're nuts, you know that."
"No I'm not. Rags thinks you're mean."
"Bite me."

The school bus honked its horn and Helen quickly ushered everyone out, making doubly sure that Violet was NOT skipping school this time.

The twins got on the bus and sat down.

"Hey, psst, Sue."
"Who's that?"
"The bus driver."
"Don't like her, she's creepy."
"Shh, don't like her either, but she's the one taking us to school and I don't fancy walking there any time soon."

Helen quickly joined them after making sure Rina had food and the house was locked up securely then settled down, across the way, a frown on her face.

 She had a lot on her mind.
Firstly, she was wondering when her mum and dad were finally coming home.

Secondly, she was too tired to do her homework yesterday, or even help Susan with hers, so she needed to work on it during lunchbreak.

Thirdly, she'd had an invite to the school's mid term Prom dance, and was wondering what on earth she was going to wear. Something like this needed her mummy there to help her to choose.

Fourthly, during Career Week,  the school had given all students of Helen's age a challenge to find themselves a part time job. Since she was taking Art Class after school, she needed to figure out one job that wouldn't clash with that particular after school class. Another thing to add to her 'to do' list.

Whilst everyone was at school, Rina had the chance to wander freely around the house. She soon got bored after barking at the tv for about an hour. She'd stepped on the remote control by mistake and switched it on by accident.

 Feeling lonely, she then headed for Helen's room and laid on her bed, missing Helen like crazy.
Wow, talk about loyalty there.....

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These stories have been specifically created by myself, using the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games as their basis.

These are exclusive original stories.

I would appreciate it if they are not copied and posted elsewhere, plagiarism is frowned upon in this day and age.

Any similarities to other peoples' stories is purely coincidental and not intended maliciously.

I would also like to give a big thanks for all those hard working folks out there whose CC I have used in the screenshots.
You all know who you are, I thank you very much indeed, you deserve a pat on the back.

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