Monday 18 June 2012

Birthday!!!! Or Should I Say Birthday(s) Plural

Yep, you read correctly. We have not one birthday celebration coming up.... but THREE!!!
Helen, Violet and Susan. Their birthdays all fall on the same day.

** Warning Picture Heavy Update ***

With their limited budget however, Brosie and Ginny decided NOT to throw a triple party this time, but have a small family get together. Luckily for them, it was Sunday and they didn't have to go to work until the next day.

So, Helen was first, since Violet and Susan were having a staring match in the nursery.

Wonder who won that one????

Stepping up to the cake, she paused, making her wish, whilst her mum and dad looked on, still in their PJ's.

To say she was excited and thrilled at becoming a teenager, was an understatement to be honest.

Anyways, with a swoosh of sparklies, out came....

... a VERY serious looking Helen.

Ginny grabbed some cake, and the two of them decided to have a 'girl to girl' talk.
What? So soon? she's just turned teen for heaven's sake!!!

Sims huh???

Anyways, next was Susan.
Held aloft by Ginny, who also helped her to blow out the candles, Susan went quietly into her transition.


OMG, what happened to all that lovely curly hair????

Methinks a couple of makeovers are in the pipeline.

So there's just Violet left.

And what do you know? After getting all excited about his girls transitioning, 

Brosie suddenly has a pang of conscience....

'I'm getting to old for this,'

Ginny, acutely aware of his sour mood then decides to whisk him away for a few days.

Say WHAT?!?!?!?!

Violet hasn't had a birthday yet and you're leaving now???

Ginny: 'Make sure you eat your greens, Helen, did you hear me? Make sure Susan eats her greens, got that? Susan? You heard what I said right????'

Susan: 'Yes mum.'
Helen: 'Yes mum.'

Brosie: 'See ya in a few days kids!!!'
Ginny: Wait for me!!!

And so they left Helen in charge of the house, Rina, and getting Violet through her transition.

 Helen: 'Now what?'

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These stories have been specifically created by myself, using the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games as their basis.

These are exclusive original stories.

I would appreciate it if they are not copied and posted elsewhere, plagiarism is frowned upon in this day and age.

Any similarities to other peoples' stories is purely coincidental and not intended maliciously.

I would also like to give a big thanks for all those hard working folks out there whose CC I have used in the screenshots.
You all know who you are, I thank you very much indeed, you deserve a pat on the back.

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