Monday 30 January 2012

Violet Steals the Whole Show, in More Ways Than One

I was in serious, serious doubt about the fate of this family. I firmly believed that they were cursed in some way, dating back to when they were originally from Sims 2. If you recall, I had more problems than enough, starting with Ambrose's wedding, followed by the disaster that was Riverblossom Hills, imploding upon itself.

And now, here in Sims 3, the trend continued with glitches galore. Their disappearance in Champs le Sims. And now, this wonderful, beautiful, glorious ..... hideous problem

Following, or at least 'trying' to follow, the original Sims 2 family, Brosie and Ginny managed to have Helen. Followed by their first set of twins. Violet and Susan. When THIS suddenly arose out of nowhere.

Susan was born normally. A baby shaped/sized Sim.

Violet, was a different matter.

Yeah, that's her, in the crib. See anything? Nope, me either.

She was a long, pink string - thingy that almost obliterated the entire household and surrounding area. I could only watch, aghast, as time and time again, Violet's presence completely took over the entire gameplay.

And the trend continued so much so that I had to intervene and force the twins to both have birthdays before their time. So, Ginny and Brosie managed to skip the initial feed/fuss/burp/ play/change diaper scenario that Sim parents usually go through at this point.

I asked for help, shared some pics and was instantly relieved to discover that it wasn't all bad. Just some CC that had managed to find it's way into the toddlers clothing section. So, a big thank you to my good friends JulieJ and Daphne for spotting this problem and showing me how to get rid of it.

Thank you, you're absolutely wonderful.

So, poor stringy Violet, was taken to CAH (Create a Household) for a mini makeover - which you will all see pretty soon anyways. And also to get rid of that horrid, horrid rogue outfit that had mysteriously managed to slip in there and wrap around my precious little toddler!!!

As you've already figured out, I leave no stone unturned when sharing this (and my own personal) family's experiences during gameplay. Proof that I will NOT give up on them, even through all the problems/glitches I will be faced up with, possibly in the future.

They've been through so much together, it'll be a shame to lose them now. Not when they've got so much more to give.

In the next update: Bathroom and Bedroom Mini Makeovers

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These stories have been specifically created by myself, using the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games as their basis.

These are exclusive original stories.

I would appreciate it if they are not copied and posted elsewhere, plagiarism is frowned upon in this day and age.

Any similarities to other peoples' stories is purely coincidental and not intended maliciously.

I would also like to give a big thanks for all those hard working folks out there whose CC I have used in the screenshots.
You all know who you are, I thank you very much indeed, you deserve a pat on the back.

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