Friday 16 September 2011

Helen's Birthday and an Uninvited Guest

They don't stay young for too long, and that also applies here with baby Helen.
Her birthday was fast approaching, so Ginny and Brosie decided to throw her a party.
However, as you already know, things don't always go as planned.

Firstly the sink broke. So, to save on a repairman, Brosie decided to grab a wrench and tackle the job himself. It appeared that, according to the manual, it was just a corroded washer that needed replacing. That saved Brosie some money on repair bills, plus, it boosted up his own Handy skills in the meantime.

Helen suspected that there was something amiss, as she decided, in the early hours of the morning - on her birthday - that she'd wake up and stay awake. No matter what.

So, Brosie decided to take her on an early morning walk, even though it was a work day for him, he dutifully took up the role of dad and fussed over Helen.

She soon fell asleep after that, however, this meant that Brosie couldn't go back to bed, and it was a long long shift at work that day. So he settled for a quick nap. Besides, he was hoping to be promoted today. He'd worked his pants off and there'd been a rumour flying around work that there was an opening further up the corporate ladder. So, instead of being an organ donor, he would now be responsible for cleaning patient's bedpans!! What a step up!!! Mind you, it didn't stop there with him. Whilst at work, he was undergoing very strict training. After all, he was aiming for the top slot, and he couldn't possibly reach that goal if he didn't put in his training.

And it came in very useful much later on in his life!!! (more about that in another update)

Well, the big day arrived. Helen's birthday. Ambrose had to be at work fairly early, so it was up to Ginny to organise everything. The party was at 4pm, which gave Ginny plenty of time to tidy around, gave Helen her afternoon nap without getting all cranky, and gave Brosie plenty of time to be there after work.

Ginny called around a few friends, but was disappointed that Jolene couldn't make it over. There'd been a break in at the museum in Champs Le Sims and as the curator, she was in charge of all the artifacts, and she had to deal with the investigation.

Ginny was glad, however, for the gift of the table. I proved very useful for putting the birthday cake on and folded down easily for storage afterwards. Ginny made a mental note to thank Jolene for such a lovely and thoughtful gift.

Anyways, the cake was delivered and set up on the table. Music was put on the stereo, Helen was awake.

All that was needed now, were the guests who arrived an hour early, and then some. News was spread that 'minor celeb' Brosie and his wife were throwing an awesome party for their daughter, so a few extra folks turned up to enjoy the celebration.

Brosie brought home his boss, and they danced together.

Some of them just milled around, waiting for the slice of yummy cake.

And then came the birthday girl. After blowing out the candles she was placed on the floor (as is Sims tradition) to await her transition into toddler. Silly thing to do in my honest opinion, but meh, whatever. This is the Sims we're talking about, and they NEVER follow the 'rules'!!!

Ambrose was so excited at the fact that his little girl was going to become a toddler, that he unwittingly blocked the front door, preventing some of the guest from coming in!!!!

It didn't matter though, as some of them just decided to hang around the front lawn and exchange pleasantries with one another. It was a great way of getting the community to actually 'meet and greet' one another.

After Helen's transition, however, and after the guests all left, all feeling good about being invited, Ginny couldn't help noticing someone lurking around the hydrangeas, so she went to investigate.

It was the paparazzi, poking around, waiting for some juicy bit of gossip for her glossy magazine. Her face was a picture when she was caught red-handed!!

"But... but... but..." she stammered, "I was ... just admiring your house!"

"Get off my lawn," thundered Ginny, obviously rattled, "and don't let me catch you noseying around here again. Got that?"

Ginny didn't catch the muttered expletives coming from that woman, but I'm pretty sure she'd have kicked her ass had she done so.

Next update.....

Helen's Transformation

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOnderful update :)


These stories have been specifically created by myself, using the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games as their basis.

These are exclusive original stories.

I would appreciate it if they are not copied and posted elsewhere, plagiarism is frowned upon in this day and age.

Any similarities to other peoples' stories is purely coincidental and not intended maliciously.

I would also like to give a big thanks for all those hard working folks out there whose CC I have used in the screenshots.
You all know who you are, I thank you very much indeed, you deserve a pat on the back.

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