Thursday 25 September 2008

Birthdays, Baby Bumps and Apartment Life Interactions

It's been a while since I gave you an update, so here we are.

I was a little 'camera happy' and took lots of pictures to share with you.

Things have become a little quiet in our normally hectic household.
Thanks to Apartment Life, we can all now walk to school/work.

Which is really weird to me because I feel like the Pied Piper, with my procession of little kids, namely Helen, Tristan and Violet (if you didn't all know that)

So, off went our little troupe, to work and school. On return home, however, it was a totally different matter. You'd think that the twins would get good reports at the same time. Sadly, that's not the case.
Whilst Violet is passing her grades in spectacular form, Tristan is falling behind badly, and he's none too happy about it either.

So, to compensate, we allowed them all some 'play' time before they did their homework.

Yes, that's a sneaky peek at Helen as a teenager.....
More about her later on.

Just look at them all, aren't they adorable? Hmm, best start using another word here, 'adorable' is getting to be too popular in my dictionary.

Whilst Violet wanted to study all about Physiology, Helen decided to read Tristan a story, which pleased the little tyke a-plenty, that's for sure.

He's such a sweet boy, but a little bit of a day dreamer too. Always finding distractions.

Like playing with Cleo. So, we decided to give him the job of cleaning out her smelly bed. At least it gave him something to do anyway.

It's coming up to Helen's birthday, and as much as we wanted to throw a party, she put her foot down and adamantly refused.

So it was just the family there, to watch her transition.
Blow out those candles girl and make a wish, you're entering the next stage in your life.

And what a pretty teen she turned out to be.

Just like her old man, she chose Knowledge as her aspiration. And her LTW?
To be a Space Pirate no less!!!

Very apt if you think about it. She's always rolling wants to stargaze and max out her Logic skill (which is pretty close). And she's always got her nose in a book too.

Well, soon afterwards, both Ginny and I showed our first baby bumps, although mine is more 'pronounced' than Ginny's.

Even Tristan's intrigued by the fact that his daddy is 'pregnant'.

Helen, on the other hand, just chooses to accept that her dad is just getting 'fat'.

At the breakfast table however, I was starting to feel my age, sitting there with my teenage daughter, discussing college and scholarships.

*sigh* they grow up so fast.

I have the strangest feeling, however, that one of us.... I think it's me.... is carrying twins.
Oh Lord I hope not. It was hard work itself with Tristan and Violet. I can't imagine the stress and strain with another set of twins.

I guess I'll have to beg for that wonderful maxmotives cheat at some point.

However, by the looks of Ginny's and her voracious appetite, I'd say she's the one who could possibly carrying twins. She's always raiding the fridge for leftovers and wolfs down platefuls of food.

There's a marked difference between Violet and Tristan however. Violet is the more adventurous one out of the two, always sneaking peeks at the neighbours through our telescope.

Ginny decided to give Tristan a spin in the air. She looked as though she was loving it.

Tristan's face, however, told a different story. It looked as though he was ready to puke.
Seriously though, I don't think Ginny knows her own strength.

He's happier just dancing with Dad.

Although, as soon as he had a turn, Violet insisted on wanting a turn too. Good job I'm wearing strong leather shoes.

Mind you, they both like to play jump rope too, although, with Violet's higher body skills, she's much more advanced with the skipping techniques.

It's mid winter here and I must have a complaint. Those poor postmen/women still have to deliver the mail in those extremely thin uniforms.

This poor lass, I think she's suffering from the onslaught of hypothermia, judging by the way she's holding her arm.

Well, at least Ginny and Cleo are getting on a lot better. Ginny's finally accepted that Cleo is now part of the family.

Well, this is Ambrose signing out.
Catch up with you all later with the next update.


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These stories have been specifically created by myself, using the Sims 2 and Sims 3 games as their basis.

These are exclusive original stories.

I would appreciate it if they are not copied and posted elsewhere, plagiarism is frowned upon in this day and age.

Any similarities to other peoples' stories is purely coincidental and not intended maliciously.

I would also like to give a big thanks for all those hard working folks out there whose CC I have used in the screenshots.
You all know who you are, I thank you very much indeed, you deserve a pat on the back.

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